Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Melsmon Platinium

Melson provides a stimulating effect on cell renewal of the epidermis on the entire body , By promoting the formation of new blood vessels , and nerves , thus leading to healthy looking skin . Skin will appear young and vibrant .
Physical and psychic fatigue . Melsmon helps to improve a general lack of vitality , concentration , eye sight and mental weakness .
Melsmon helps to prevent and regulate problems associated with aging such as high blood pressure , Diabetes , Hypertension , Cholesterol , Gastric ulcers , Migraine , Blood circulation and arthritis .Premature aging and wear of different organs brain ,Heart , Lungs , Liver , Kidneys and digestive system , Melsmon promotes tissue respiration .
Melsmon stimulates normal growth , Regenerates and accelerates re-pair of aged or injured muscle , Skin , Collagen , Bone cartilage and nerve tissues .
Epidermal problems , Such as wrinkles , De-colorization , Pigmentation , eye-bags and dull skin tone .
Anemia , Melsmon helps normalize blood characteristics . After effects of illnesses . Melsmon helps replenish nutrients required by your body .
After surgery . Melsmon promotes wound healing and reduces recovery time .
Menopausal syndrome . Melsmon is proven to be highly effective for women in their mid 40’s , Approaching menopause . Melsmon reduces the pain and changes associated with menopause .
Patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment . Melsmon helps to improve physical fatigue , Loss of appetite and immune system .
2ml basic pack - 2ml × 50 ampoules and 5ml advance pack – 50ml * 50 ampoules . Each ampoule contain 100mg placenta villi resolvent . Melsmon is a light yellow liquid with a PH of 6. 8-7. 0 , Includes oxygen element which is compressed in the normal saline .

It is recommended that 2 ampoules every 2 days ( Intramuscular / Intrarenous ) for a period of 25 days . The effect of placenta extracts is highly relies on the individual’s age and health condition . Effects can be seen as fast as one week in some patients and may take as much as 60 days in others

After which , If a patients wishes to embark on a maintenance program , 1 or 2 ampoules should be used weekly , Depending on your personal requirement .

日本 Melsmon美思满胎盘素
瑞 士胎盘素专家皮斯博士强力推荐,40年品质保证。日本美思满胎盘素,揉合自然界神奇力量与现代高科技研制,能为 急于改善身体状況及注重容颜的您提供最佳安全高效途径。日本美思满胎盘素富含各种氨基酸,活性肽,各种生长因子和修护因子,通过人体循环全面调理身体各项机能,美容养颜,增强抵抗力,调节内分泌,延缓五脏六腑的早衰及老化,重振元气精力,从內到外调理身心以达到“标本兼治”的效果。日本是胎盘研究历史最为 久远,现代胎盘素技术最为完善,胎盘素使用最为普及的的国家之一。美思满胎盘素作为日本广受好评的顶尖产品,频频受到政界商界精英,演艺界人士的青睐。美思满的鼎鼎大名,在国内美容界早已家喻户晓。 但在以前,由于国内并没有美思满出售,很多人不得不远赴日本,一来一去,既消耗精力也浪费时间。现在,真正的美思满风暴已经席卷而来,爱美的你是否已经做好准备,享受美思满带给你的全新驻颜乐趣!

安全:美思满药厂长年和特定医疗机构签定契约,形成确保得到绝对安全健康的胎盘,经一定冷冻保存之后,加入盐酸加热,取得分解物的萃取剂,再以高科技手段 分解,蒸散。而在过程中须过15~17小时100℃以上高温处理,最后入于无菌安瓶中,再进行120℃,30分钟高压蒸气杀菌,最后进行蛋白质是否完全分 解为氨基酸的确认试验,无菌试验及动物试,因此能确保产品的100%安全效用。在制造过程中,血液及荷尔蒙已100%完全去除。

Curacen Esseence

JBP Curacen(R)
is the ethical drug specialized for beauty/cosmetic purpose, because of its high penetration capability into the skin as it consists of the lower molecular weight substances from the human placenta


包裝:1A:2mL × 50A

Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards.
DescriptionThis product is a light yellow-brown or yellow-brown clear liquid with a distinctive odor. The pH level ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 and the osmotic pressure ratio (to physiological saline) is approximately one.
IndicationsImprovement of hepatic function in chronic hepatic disease.
Dosage and administrationThe normal adult dose is a 2 ml subcutaneous or intramuscular injection once daily. According to symptoms, the dose can be increased to 2 or 3 times daily.
Packaging2 ml 50 ampoules

日本Placenta Laennec 胎盘素
用原理:年轻的肌肤有赖骨胶原等多种活性物质来承托,随着年龄的增长,这些成分就会逐渐流失减少,因而导致肌肤出现老化,身体机能全面下滑等一系列衰老现 象,胎盘素针剂就是将这些承托肌肤,身体机能且原本存在于体内的活性成分再以注射的形式还原于体内,达到修复,激活,再生人体已经衰老或受损的细胞,增加 细胞活性的目的。从而由内到外的改善人体机能和皮肤的问题。

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Perfectil Platinum

Introducing Perfectil Platinum the revolutionary new beauty supplement to help keep skin looking radiant, youthful and glowing.
Introducing Perfectil® Platinumthe revolutionary new beauty supplement to help keep skin looking radiant, youthful and glowing. Perfectil® Platinum takes the science of beauty to the next level with a specialist formula comprising of bio-active nutrients which can play a vital role in helping to protect ageing skin.How it worksPerfectil® Platinum helps refine, nourish and protect ageing skin by delivering a powerful combination of bio-active ingredients including high-grade marine collagen complex, pine bark extract, black currant seed oil, lycopene and alpha-lipoic acid directly to the lower layer of the skin.Optimum nutritional support for skin is of greater importance than the most expensive creams and moisturisers because the benefits are delivered via the blood stream, at the deepest and most effective level.Perfectil® Platinum’s nutrients work in synergy to help support the biochemical processes of skin metabolism and repair.We know, chronological skin ageing can't be prevented. Although now, with Perfectil® Platinums nutri-dermal formula, we can help protect your skin's inner structure and outer health.Perfectil® Platinum has been developed by Vitabiotics, the experts who formulated Perfectil®, the UK’s number one selling, all round supplement for skin, hair and nails. Our in-depth understanding of the processes involved in skin nutrition has enabled us to develop Perfectil® Platinum to maintain a healthier looking complexion.
Ingredients :
vitamin D 5mcg ,vit E 40mg , vit C 60mg , vit B1 ( thiamin ) 8mg , vit B2 (riboflavin) 4mg , vit B3 (niacin ) 18mg , vit B6 10mg , folic acid 500mcg , vit B12 9mcg , biotin 45mcg , pantothenic acid 40mg , iron 12mg , magnesium 75mg , zinc 15mg , lodine 200mcg , manganese 0.5mg ,copper 1mg , chromium gtf 50mcg , selenium 100mcg , cystine 10mg , natural mixed carotenoids 2mg , grape seed extract 15mg (95% proanthocyanidins ) , omega 3 fish oil providing 300mg , dha 150 mg (docosahexaenoic acid ) , epa 30mg (eicosapentaenoic acid ) , lutein esters 6mg , starflower oil 200mg blackcurrant seed oil , together providing : 50mg , omega -6 fatty acids 121mg , lycopene extract 6mg , co-enzyme q10 5mg

NC 24 Nano Peptide Gold

                                         NC 24 Nano Peptide Gold Whitening 3500
                                        Place of Origin : Japan

Composition :
Nano Glutathione 3500mg
Nano Peptide 950mg
Cranberry Extract (Plus Vitamin C) 4200mg
Natural Plant Collagen Extract 2000mg
Fibroblast Growth Factor 675mg
Packaging : 6 sets (6 amps + 6 vials)
Recommended Dosage : IM or IV, 1 set per week for first 2 months; then reduce to 1 set every two weeks for maintenance

Effects of Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
☸ Stimulate skin cell metabolism and regeneration.
☸ Stimulate growth of epidermal cell.
☸ Stimulate hormone secretion.
☸ Reduce wrinkles, slow down aging and skin rejuvenation.
☸ Stimulate secretion of collagen and elastin.
☸ Capillary growth, improve microcirculation, promote quick and effective wound healing.
☸ Accelerate cell metabolism, prevent scar tissue formation.
☸ Stimulate synthesis of hyaluronic acid.
产品名称 :NC 24 Nano Peptide Gold Whitening 3500
出产地 :日本
成分 :
纳米谷胱甘肽 3500mg
纳米肽 950mg
天然植物提取物胶原蛋白 2000mg
成纤维细胞生长因子 675mg
包装 :6套(6瓶水剂 + 6瓶粉剂)
推荐剂量 :肌注或静注,前两个月每周1套;减少至每两周1套以维持效果

成纤维细胞生长因子 (FGF) 的功效
☸ 刺激肌肤细胞活化再生快速代谢。
☸ 刺激表皮细胞生长。
☸ 刺激其它细胞物激素分泌。
☸ 除纹,抗老,肌肤细致幼嫩。
☸ 刺激细胞分泌胶原蛋白及弹力蛋白。
☸ 毛细血管增长,促进微循环,促进组织伤口快速愈合。
☸ 加速细胞新成代谢,伤口愈合同时,防止疤痕产生。
☸ 刺激玻尿酸的合成能力。

Monday, 20 April 2015

L Carn 2G


L-carnitine is an amino acid synthesized from essential amino acids, tysine and methionline in the kidneys and livers.

It’s main function is to transport ‘long chain fatty acids’ such as glucose, fats, carbohydrates and proteins, especially from the inter membrane space of the carbohydrates and fats storage areas essentially accumulated from the food we eat and converts it into energy.

In the mitochondria is where fats and carbohydrates is being converted into energy via a process called ‘beta oxidation’ with the help of L-Carnitine which is also responsible for improving oxygen utilization and energy production by the heart muscle. Thus, L-Carnitine the transporter of fat is needed as well for the removal of products waste or toxins produced from the mitochondria during energy production, enables them to be eliminated from the body


1.Weight and Fat Control

* L-Carnitine increases our body metabolic rate and is able to convert fats and carbohydrates from our body into energy, a form of protein cocarboxylase and if unused will be exereted via the urine. For atheletes and sportman, the protein will help to convert fats into muscles mass during activities, therefore L-Carnitine is an essential amino acid for the bodybuilders who wish to have a well built physique naturally.

2.Anti Aging Properties
* L-Carnitine have also shown to have anti-aging properties and regular supplement increases the body immune systems by eliminating toxins from the body, for the production of Phophyrin which is needed to produce red blood cells. In breaking down fats for the production of energy which is also required for the building, repairing and renewal of cell membrane and cellular structures for efficient function of major organs such as heart, lungs, muscles, kidney and liver.

3.Lipids and CHDs (Congestive Heart Diseases)
* L-Carnitine helps to maintain normal level of lipids such as cholesterol and especially triglyserides, dissolves fatty acids accumulated in the coronary arteries therefore reducing risks of Congestive Heart Diseases.

Per Box of 10 ampoules of L-Carnitine 2gm / 5ml


- 1-2 ampoules IV per injection every 2 days for the management of weight control.

- 1-2 ampoules per subcutaneous for the management of fats under the skin.

- 10 ampoules in divided doses over the period of 30 days for anti aging and health management.

The dosing of even 4gm per day have shown to have no side effects and is very safe. Patients may experience some light gastrointestinal disturbances and therefore some food may be taken prior to the commencement of L-Carnitine injection. 

Thursday, 16 April 2015



( Essential Phospholipids Substance )

* Composition :  Each ML Contains
    Essential Phospholipid substance .........................50mg
    (46.5mg as 3- sn-phosphatidylcholine)
    Benzyl Alcohol .....................................................9.0mg
   Excipient : Sodium Deoxycholate , Sdium Chloride , Riboflavin ,
   Tocopherol Acetate , Ethanol , Benzyl Alcohol , Sodium Hydroxide

* Description : Amber Vial containing yellow , clear solution .

* Therapeutic Indications : Adjuvant of hepatic encephalopathy by  liver cirrhosis

* Dosage and administration :
   4 Vials ( 20ml ) at a time , twice daily ,slow intravenous injection

* Contraindications : Patients with hypersensitivity to this drug or other drugs Neonates , prematured 

* Undersirable effects :
   1) Hypersensitivity : Since rash or fever may be rarely caused by benzyl alcohol , discontinue  
       administration in this case .
   2) In case of administered more than a recommended dose , gastrointestinal disorder or colon   
       disorder may occur rarely .

* Precaution in use  :
   In case that injection is administered too fast , blood pressure may be declined fast .

* Storage :
   Store between 2-8 C ( Refrigerator) in hermetic container , protect from sunlight .

* Package : 5 ml x 10 Vials

* Shelf Life :
   24 months from manufacturing date

Thursday, 9 April 2015


                   Cindella Inj Transparrent and clear skin


  • CINDERELLA INJECTION is called "baby face injection" and is made of Alpha-Lipoic Acid. Also known as thiotic acid, ALA is naturally produced in the body, as well as absorbed from certain foods we eat, such as red meat, spinach, potatoes, broccoli.
  • Numerous studies have been done providing its effectiveness on neurodegenerative disease, cell maintenance and health, anti-aging and nerve function.
WHAT IS a-lipoic ACID?
  • The alipoic acid is the fatty acid in small doses which is essential substance help to produce the body of its energy, is also has 400 times more of antioxidative activity than Vitamin C,E.
  • It has a proven excellent effect on whitening, elasticity, also palpate the energy consumption, appetite suppression and decreasing of body weight, as a result of increasing in glutathione production.

[ Role of Alpha-lipoic acid in body]

– Metabolic activity of Glucose : Promoting Energy product

– Lypolisis : effect of diet ( resolving fat, appetite suppressant)

– Antioxidant. : Alpha-lipoic acid helps active oxygen goes normal range

Proper type

[ Recommend Cinderella injection to ]

- Who wants elasticity of skin

- Who wants to improve immunity

- Who wants anti-aging
- Who suffer from swollen
[Characteristics of Cinderella Injection]

- Short duration within 30mins for injection

- No need recovery period
- The injection can have excellent effect with dietary therapy, exercise.
- This injection can be performed alongside other procedure.

[Highly suggested if you want to have]
- Brightening skin color as injection tones up the entire face
- Increase skin elasticity and decrease wrinkles
- Feeling less exhausted after daily activity
- Activate fat resolving and effectively reduce body fat
- Regulation of blood glucose causing effects on geriatric diseases

[Why Need Cinderella Injection]

* Restrain Protein Saccharification:This injection suppresses proteins when they convert into sugar and become toxic substances which block capillary.
* Increase in Antioxidant activity:R-Alpha Lipoic Acid is endogenous to our cells, however it is only made in limited quantities and this supply decreases as we age. Dietary supplementation is crucial to maximize its effect on our health, especially as we age.

[Effects on Cinderella Injection]

ㆍAnti-obesity Effects
ㆍHeal edema and cold constitution
ㆍReduce fatty liver
ㆍAppetite suppressant Effects
ㆍIncrease glutathione production
ㆍCure chronic fatigue
ㆍDetoxification effects on heavy metals
Skin Improvements
ㆍWhitening effects
ㆍElasticity improvements
ㆍFlawless skin tone

【韩国灰姑娘美白针】这款美白针垄断了整个韩国美白针市场,它没有华丽的外包装!却成为韩国第一美白针。♥ 水剂配合韩国白玉美白针+vc使用,效果好,一个疗程见效 ,黑人变白人,黄人变雪人。 营养针等于白玉灰姑娘,没有如何副作用,熬夜者尤其适合,抗氧化针没副作用 。 韩国白玉美白针(韩国美白谷胱甘肽)是目前超越台湾日本所有美白针的产品,是由韩国维他命研究会研发而制!♥ 是韩国明星们热衷的专业美白针主要成分是谷胱甘肽,可以促进肝脏排毒、抗氧化和自由基的清除剂,着重改善暴晒后的肌肤、晒斑、暗淡肌肤、熬夜皮肤等,实现深层提亮肤色的功效。