Melson provides a stimulating effect on cell renewal of the epidermis on the entire body , By promoting the formation of new blood vessels , and nerves , thus leading to healthy looking skin . Skin will appear young and vibrant .
Physical and psychic fatigue . Melsmon helps to improve a general lack of vitality , concentration , eye sight and mental weakness .
Melsmon helps to prevent and regulate problems associated with aging such as high blood pressure , Diabetes , Hypertension , Cholesterol , Gastric ulcers , Migraine , Blood circulation and arthritis .Premature aging and wear of different organs brain ,Heart , Lungs , Liver , Kidneys and digestive system , Melsmon promotes tissue respiration .
Melsmon stimulates normal growth , Regenerates and accelerates re-pair of aged or injured muscle , Skin , Collagen , Bone cartilage and nerve tissues .
Epidermal problems , Such as wrinkles , De-colorization , Pigmentation , eye-bags and dull skin tone .
Anemia , Melsmon helps normalize blood characteristics . After effects of illnesses . Melsmon helps replenish nutrients required by your body .
After surgery . Melsmon promotes wound healing and reduces recovery time .
Menopausal syndrome . Melsmon is proven to be highly effective for women in their mid 40’s , Approaching menopause . Melsmon reduces the pain and changes associated with menopause .
Patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment . Melsmon helps to improve physical fatigue , Loss of appetite and immune system .PACKAGING OF PRODUCT
2ml basic pack - 2ml × 50 ampoules and 5ml advance pack – 50ml * 50 ampoules . Each ampoule contain 100mg placenta villi resolvent . Melsmon is a light yellow liquid with a PH of 6. 8-7. 0 , Includes oxygen element which is compressed in the normal saline .
It is recommended that 2 ampoules every 2 days ( Intramuscular / Intrarenous ) for a period of 25 days . The effect of placenta extracts is highly relies on the individual’s age and health condition . Effects can be seen as fast as one week in some patients and may take as much as 60 days in others
After which , If a patients wishes to embark on a maintenance program , 1 or 2 ampoules should be used weekly , Depending on your personal requirement .
日本 Melsmon美思满胎盘素
瑞 士胎盘素专家皮斯博士强力推荐,40年品质保证。日本美思满胎盘素,揉合自然界神奇力量与现代高科技研制,能为 急于改善身体状況及注重容颜的您提供最佳安全高效途径。日本美思满胎盘素富含各种氨基酸,活性肽,各种生长因子和修护因子,通过人体循环全面调理身体各项机能,美容养颜,增强抵抗力,调节内分泌,延缓五脏六腑的早衰及老化,重振元气精力,从內到外调理身心以达到“标本兼治”的效果。日本是胎盘研究历史最为 久远,现代胎盘素技术最为完善,胎盘素使用最为普及的的国家之一。美思满胎盘素作为日本广受好评的顶尖产品,频频受到政界商界精英,演艺界人士的青睐。美思满的鼎鼎大名,在国内美容界早已家喻户晓。 但在以前,由于国内并没有美思满出售,很多人不得不远赴日本,一来一去,既消耗精力也浪费时间。现在,真正的美思满风暴已经席卷而来,爱美的你是否已经做好准备,享受美思满带给你的全新驻颜乐趣!
安全:美思满药厂长年和特定医疗机构签定契约,形成确保得到绝对安全健康的胎盘,经一定冷冻保存之后,加入盐酸加热,取得分解物的萃取剂,再以高科技手段 分解,蒸散。而在过程中须过15~17小时100℃以上高温处理,最后入于无菌安瓶中,再进行120℃,30分钟高压蒸气杀菌,最后进行蛋白质是否完全分 解为氨基酸的确认试验,无菌试验及动物试,因此能确保产品的100%安全效用。在制造过程中,血液及荷尔蒙已100%完全去除。